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Audit Committee Quarterly – Building a Better Board: Beyond Brilliant Minds

  • 2015年07月18日
  • 1 min read

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Audit Committee Quarterly – Building a Better Board: Beyond Brilliant Minds

Building a strong supervisory board involves more than just bringing together brilliant minds, write Egon Zehnder consultants Jörg Thierfelder and Michael Ensser in the latest issue of Audit Committee Quarterly. Before recruiting new directors, firms need to analyze factors like the strengths and weaknesses of their existing board, the future of their business and gaps in terms of strategic competences. In a second step, they should look to hire individuals with a strategic and results-orientation, integrity and a proven track record of successful team work. The emphasis here is on team performance, write the authors; and that means embracing diversity. Boards that include women, younger professionals and individuals with experience internationally or in different branches tend to outperform their homogenous counterparts, the authors conclude.

Full story: Jörg Thierfelder und Michael Ensser: Mehr als nur kluge Köpfe: Wie sich Aufsichtsräte professionalisieren können (“More Than Just Brilliant Minds: How Supervisory Boards (Can) Make Themselves More Professional”) in Audit Committee Quarterly II/2015 (July 2015).

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