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Business Today – Tackling the Talent Drain

  • 2015年11月21日
  • 1 min read

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Business Today – Tackling the Talent Drain

Traditional India Inc is currently experiencing a talent drain as thousands of bright young leaders flock to join e-commerce companies and other start-ups. What can sectors like FMCG, banking, manufacturing and IT do to hold onto top talent, asks India’s businesstoday? “Traditional companies are […] focusing a lot on identifying high potential talent who have the ability to take on bigger roles and are investing in them. They are also offering them roles which they have never done before,” says Egon Zehnder consultant Pallavi Kathuria. A reverse trend is also visible too, she adds. “There are some people who don’t enjoy the start-up profile and the risks associated with it and they are the ones who are making a comeback,” explains Kathuria.

Full story: Ajita Shashidar: The great talent exodus in businesstoday (November 2015).

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