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Forbes Magazine – Greater Diversity Can Boost Bottom Line for Global Airlines

  • 2015年12月16日
  • 1 min read

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Forbes Magazine – Greater Diversity Can Boost Bottom Line for Global Airlines

The global airline industry needs to embrace diversity, reports Forbes Magazine in an article based on a recent report by Egon Zehnder. Christoph Wahl, leader of Egon Zehnder’s global Services Practice, says airlines seeking to boost their bottom line must be willing to “venture out on a truly transformational journey”. Wahl advises airlines to: “promote internally much earlier based on potential – to allow for leap-frogging – establish inclusive leadership that allows ‘outsiders’ to have a lasting impact and to identify mission-critical roles and staff them with experienced hires from outside.” According to the report airlines not only lack women leaders, but also need greater cultural and national diversity to fuel long-term growth and success.

Full story: Dina Medland: Global Airline Industry: Diversity Is Stuck On The Ground in Forbes magazine (17 December 2015).

Access the full paper How Profit Flies on the Wings of Inclusion.

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