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Handelsblatt – Directors in Germany: Dare to embrace diversity

  • 2016年07月8日
  • 1 min read

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Handelsblatt – Directors in Germany: Dare to embrace diversity

This year, German business daily Handelsblatt has again presented a ranking of the leading directors in Germany (supervisory board members in the German two-tier system). The study, carried out by Michael Wolff, Professor of Management at Göttingen University, covers directors of 160 companies listed in the Dax, MDax, SDax and TecDax. Among the aspects covered by Dieter Fockenbrock in his article “Laborious change” (Der mühsame Wandel) is the fact that too many former Dax top executives are being morphed into Dax supervisory board members. Asked about this trend, Michael Ensser told “Handelsblatt”: “Bringing new blood to their supervisory boards would do many organizations good – but we don’t always encounter the will to go down this road.”

Dieter Fockenbrock: Der mühsame Wandel („Laborious change“), Handelsblatt, pages 6-7, (July 8, 2016).

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