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Handelszeitung – Why More Female Managers Need to Find a Sponsor

  • 2017年10月29日
  • 1 min read

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Handelszeitung - Why More Female Managers Need to Find a Sponsor

How can firms and female managers accelerate slow progress with gender diversity? In an interview with the Handelszeitung Egon Zehnder consultant Simone Stebler advises female professionals to find a sponsor. “In terms of succession planning in particular, an active sponsor who is always prepared to take a certain risk and recommend you is invaluable” notes Stebler. As for companies, they need to broaden their potential female talent pool at board level. According to Stebler, that means looking beyond previous experience and prioritizing competences like strategic thinking. With its Leaders & Daughters initiative, Egon Zehnder is seeking to leverage the emotional bond between leaders and their daughters to make senior executives see gender diversity from a more personal perspective.

Full story: “Suchen Sie sich einen Sponsor!“ (“Look for a Sponsor!”) an interview with Egon Zehnder consultant Simone Stebler in the Handelszeitung (26 October 2017).

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