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Leaders weary of bureaucracy opt for Indian employers

  • 2014年06月23日
  • 1 min read

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The Economic Times – Leaders weary of bureaucracy opt for Indian employers

Leaders frustrated by long, bureaucratic decision-making chains are leaving top jobs at multinationals, reports the Indian newspaper The Economic Times. Many are now opting for positions with Indian employers instead. According to Sanjiv Sachar, a consultant at Egon Zehnder, New Delhi, leaders switching from MNCs to Indian companies “look forward to the opportunity of working closely with the promoters who are key decision-makers.” Growth has also polished the image of Indian companies as employers notes Sachar: “The scale and scope of their operations have expanded and they are providing opportunities that are far more attractive.”

Full story: Ratna Bhushan & Anumeha Chaturvedi: Fed up with MNCs’ bureaucratic nature, executives heading to Indian employers in The Economic Times (24 June 2014).

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