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Leadership: building a purpose-driven culture

  • 2014年07月30日
  • 1 min read

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The Guardian – Leadership: building a purpose-driven culture

How can executives create a sustainable, purpose-driven culture? In an article for the British newspaper The Guardian Christoph Lueneburger, leader of Egon Zehnder’s Private Equity Practice, looks at the leadership lessons to be learned from Chrysler’s recent come-back. For Lueneburger companies start to embrace sustainability: “[…] when leaders effectively energize the organization and then direct that energy where it most needs to go.” This process, says Lueneburger, begins with understanding your company’s “footprint” (the total environmental and social costs of its business) and its “handprint” (the company’s contribution to the world). Success depends on leaders winning the impassioned support of all employees. “A purposeful culture does not fall from the sky; it doesn’t spring from happy accidents or baffling evolutions. Such cultures are built, over time, by leaders” Lueneburger concludes.

Fully story: Christoph Lueneburger, Lessons from Chrysler: how to rev up a purpose-driven corporate culture in The Guardian (31 July 2014).

For further insights into sustainability and business, check out more articles by Christopher Lueneburger for The Guardian:

Show me the money: how sustainability creates revenue at Bloomberg in The Guardian (21 August 2014).

A key to corporate success: reaching out in The Guardian (15 August 2014).

Bouncing back and bounding ahead: Kees Kruythoff on resilience at Unilever in The Guardian (7 August 2014).

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