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Legislation Brightens Outlook for India’s Insurance Leaders

  • 2015年03月16日
  • 1 min read

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The Hindustan Times – Legislation Brightens Outlook for India’s Insurance Leaders

India’s introduction of a new 49% cap on foreign direct investment (FDI) in the insurance industry, up from 26%, may create exciting opportunities for the sector’s leaders, reports the Hindustan Times. Egon Zehnder expects insurance companies to introduce major changes in their leadership positions as a result of the higher cap. “Global insurers were keenly looking for Indian partners and now they may undertake re-locations and shuffles at top positions in order to build impressive leadership teams,” speculates Sanjiv Sachar, a consultant at Egon Zehnder, New Delhi.

Full story: Himani Chandna Gurtoo: FDI hike in insurance sector set to create thousands of jobs in the Hindustan Times (15 March 2015)

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