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livemint – Family-led Firms Face Challenge of Integrating Outsiders

  • 2015年11月2日
  • 1 min read

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livemint – Family-led Firms Face Challenge of Integrating Outsiders

Family-led firms are resilient, long-lasting and offer some of the finest examples of corporate leadership in the world, reports livemint. But they often struggle when it comes to aligning outside executive talent with family values and culture, warns Egon Zehnder consultant Sonny Iqbal. “Companies have to work hard to integrate the professional hires into the system and they can’t be on the go from day one,” explains Iqbal. In his experience, successful integration can involve a year-long commitment to handhold.

Full story: Sapna Agarwal: Working with family-run businesses in livemint (3 November 2015).

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