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Potential: a New, Future-Focused Approach to Selecting Leaders

  • 2015年04月1日
  • 1 min read

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Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation – Potential: a New, Future-Focused Approach to Selecting Leaders

In today’s volatile world shaped by uncertainty, finding leaders who can rise to tomorrow’s challenges is essential to a company’s survival. Firms need to keep pace with change by adapting their existing selection criteria and focusing more on the future, write Egon Zehnder consultants Tilman Gerhardt, Jens Riedel and Karena Strella in the Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation. In addition to evaluating a leader’s current competences and track record, this means analyzing his/her potential. The authors identify four key dimensions for measuring potential: curiosity, insight, engagement, and determination. Their model, based on scientific insights, is conceived as the starting point for individualized leadership development that aligns personal/professional growth opportunities with a firm’s strategic priorities.

Full story: Tilman Gerhardt, Jens Riedel, Karena Strella: Potenzial als Rohstoff der Zukunft (“Potential: the raw material of the future”) in the Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation (2 April 2015).

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