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Rajeev Vasudeva on CNBC Worldwide about the importance of leadership in the new global context

  • 2015年01月19日
  • 1 min read

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CNBC — Rajeev Vasudeva on CNBC Worldwide about the importance of leadership in the new global context

As the World Economic Forum takes center stage in Davos, Switzerland, Egon Zehnder’s CEO, Rajeev Vasudeva sat down with CNBC Worldwide in London to discuss the critical issues and the implications for leadership in the new global context. “Clearly the landscape in which leadership needs to operate has completely changed,” notes Rajeev Vasudeva. “There is a shortage of leaders who can deal with today’s more complex problems and it is increasingly hard to predict leadership success. Companies are also struggling to fill their leadership talent pipelines.” This may be due to their outdated approach to leadership talent, speculates Vasudeva. Summing up the situation, he says: “We are living in a different era and the task of leadership has changed, but the tools that we are using to assess leaders are still very traditional. We are focused on experience and competency, but I think that today, in this era, the trump card is potential.”

Watch the complete interview: Too much unprecedented change, too few leaders an interview with Rajeev Vasudeva broadcast by CNBC (20 January 2015).

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