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Springer Verlag – Insurance: Building a New Business “Ecosystem”

  • 2015年02月28日
  • 1 min read

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Springer Verlag – Insurance: Building a New Business “Ecosystem”

Today’s instable political, social and market environment are challenging insurers to review their entire business “ecosystem”, writes Egon Zehnder’s Moritz von Campenhausen in a recently published book on change management. “Leaders have a special responsibility in this situation. Their foresight, willingness to take risks and ability to come up with and sell convincing visions will foreseeably determine the survival of their organizations,” notes Von Campenhausen. But leaders cannot go it alone, he warns. Building diverse teams to implement the narrative of change, setting up new structures and creating a culture of risk-taking and innovation are crucial steps towards future success.

Full story: Moritz von Campenhausen: This article features in the book entitled Change Management in Versicherungsunternehmen – Die Zukunft der Assekuranz erfolgreich gestalten published by Gabriele Zimmermann, (Verlag Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015).

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