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Tagesschau – Direct Communication Is Better for Building Trust

  • 2016年04月16日
  • 1 min read

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Tagesschau – Direct Communication Is Better for Building Trust

Videoconferencing has boomed in recent years, with technological advances helping companies to cut their travel costs, reports Swiss broadcaster SRF in its Tagesschau. Despite its many advantages, however, video conferencing has its limits, notes Egon Zehnder consultant Philippe Hertig. “In cases where it is a question of building trust and developing relations, video conferencing is not ideal,” he warns. Hertig cites recruitment discussions, end-of-year reviews, customer negotiations and crisis situations as a few examples of scenarios in which direct communication is crucially important.

Full story: Philippe Hertig interviewed by Swiss broadcaster SRF in its Tagesschau daily news programme (17 April 2016).

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