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Talent retention: help high potentials to excel

  • 2013年10月27日
  • 1 min read

Media, news and events

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Dubai Eye – Talent retention: help high potentials to excel

How can you keep people motivated without resorting purely to money, asks the Dubai Eye in a podcast interview with author and Egon Zehnder Senior Advisor Claudio Fernández-Aráoz? This is a highly relevant question in the United Arab Emirates, where talent retention is a crucial issue in view of the present and future leadership deficit, notes Fernández-Aráoz. In his experience, mastery – or allowing high potentials to becoming really outstanding at what they do – is essential. “Providing high potentials with opportunities for development is the way to motivate and retain people, “ Fernández-Aráoz concludes.

Full story: A podcast with Claudio Fernández-Aráoz on the “Dubai Eye” (28 October 2013)

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