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The books every new graduate should read, according to a dozen business leaders

  • 2017年05月17日
  • 1 min read

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Quartz – The Books Every New Graduate Should Read, According to a Dozen Business Leaders

Quartz asked a dozen business leaders, including CEOs of major organizations, what books they would recommend for the thousands of new graduates preparing to enter the workforce. Egon Zehnder CEO Rajeev Vasudeva recommended The End of Power by former Foreign Policy editor-in-chief Moisés Naím, a 2013 treatise about the rapidly changing nature of authority and control. “His theory is that power is very easy to acquire, difficult to exercise, and impossible to keep with the changing realities of our world,” said Vasudeva. Other recommendations included The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown and The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday.

Full Story: The books every new graduate should read, according to a dozen business leaders in Quartz (May 18, 2017).

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