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Valor Econômico – Chief Digital Officers Want to Drive Change, Not Take the Top Job

  • 2017年07月11日
  • 1 min read

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Valor Econômico – Chief Digital Officers Want to Drive Change, Not Take the Top Job

What makes a top Chief Digital Officer and are they tomorrow’s CEOs? In an interview with the Brazilian daily Valor Econômico Egon Zehnder’s Natascha van Boetzelaer notes that: “Digital transformation is a hot topic for all firms […] with those sectors closest to consumers feeling the most heat.” What are the key competences required by digital executives? According to van Boetzelaer, they should be strategic thinkers with magnetic personalities who can attract digital talent and convince boards to implement changes. In view of the growing importance of digital directors, some speculate that they may be future candidates for the top job. Natascha van Boetzelaer disagrees: “There is talk that they [digital officers] could be tomorrow’s CEOs. But I don’t think they want this. They prefer to transform a bank, for example, into a future-facing organization than to take on the CEO role.”

Full story: Stela Campos: “What Management Wants From the Changes Brought About by the Digital Era“ in Valor Econômico (10 July 2017).

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