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W&V online – How CEOs Master Social Media

  • 2016年03月7日
  • 1 min read

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W&V online – How CEOs Master Social Media

Social media like Twitter and Facebook have reshaped the communications landscape by offering CEOs a direct link to consumers and stakeholders. But mastering these new media is also a major challenge, says Michael Meier, leader of Egon Zehnder’s Global Marketing Practice, in an interview with W&V Online. In his view, using social media effectively is all about “authentically presenting a CEO’s personality.” CEOs, notes Meier, should use social media to communicate on issues that they care deeply about and fit into the history of their company and its brands. There are no one-size-fits-all rules for top leaders when it comes to using social media, explains Meier. “My advice would be not to focus on predictions or banalities, but to send strong messages that are closely connected to the company. The power of such messages is far more important than their frequency.” In Meier’s experience, those statements most suitable for social media are “emotionally-charged and directly hit a nerve.”

Full story: CEOs bei Twitter: Die starke Botschaft ist viel wichtiger als die Frequenz ("CEOs on Twitter: The Power of Messages Matters Far More Than Their Frequency"), an interview with Michael Meier in the German magazine W&V Online (8 March 2016).

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