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Morten Tveit


+47 97 12 50 90


Morten Tveit is working out of the Oslo and Copenhagen offices. He has expertise in leadership coaching and development, organization design, capability building, and cultural transformation. He is active in the Egon Zehnder’s CEO, Executive Assessment and Development, Technology and Communications, and Consumer practices and guides management appraisal, accelerated integration of new executives, and team effectiveness consulting.

I love working with organizations and people who want to change the world. It gives me great pleasure to be part of this global puzzle and help companies shape our society.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Morten was a Project Leader with AT Kearney, where he worked with European clients on strategy and organizational development. Previously, he as a Key Account Manager and Marketing Associate with NCR/AT&T. Morten began his career as a Junior Foreign Exchange Dealer with Den norske Creditbank.

Morten has a BSc in management and administrative studies from Aston University in the UK and an MBA from the London Business School. When not working, he loves spending time in nature skiing, hiking, boating, and windsurfing.

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