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Mario Pellizzari

Mario Pellizzari, based in Milan, is a trusted advisor to financial services clients and has particular expertise in banking, asset management, and real estate. He also works with transportation companies. Mario is active in Egon Zehnder’s Executive Assessment and Development, Services, and Financial Services practices.

I am always excited to learn what motivates people so I can help them leverage their strengths and grow.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Mario was an Engagement Manager in the banking practice of McKinsey & Company, where he led business-planning, marketing, and operational due diligence projects. Previously, he was a Consultant with Boston Consulting Group and worked with clients in the industrial and service sectors. Earlier, Mario was an Internal Auditor at Acciaierie Ferriere Vicentine.

Mario has an MSc in economics from Modena University and an MBA from SDA Bocconi School of Management. He has two sons, volunteers with a bible-study group, and loves traveling, reading, and tinkering with cars, bikes, and planes.

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