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Benito Cachinero

Benito Cachinero-Sánchez, based in Philadelphia, is an active member of Egon Zehnder’s Leadership Solutions and Human Resources Practice Groups. He is a valued advisor to clients on board governance, senior executive succession strategies, including CEO succession, talent assessment and pipelining, and management of large-scale organizational change. Benito draws on business experience across multiple sectors (industrial, services, healthcare and technology) and a track record in translating business imperatives into effective talent and organizational strategies.

I see myself as a connector. I enjoy bringing people and ideas together to improve business and leadership performance.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Benito served as the Chief Human Resources Officer at DuPont after holding the same role at Automatic Data Processing (ADP), leading complex CEO succession processes at both enterprises. Previously, Benito was the VP of Human Resources for Johnson & Johnson’s Medical Devices & Diagnostics Group. Earlier in his career, Benito was the Corporate HR Vice President for Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures at Lucent Technologies.

Born in Málaga, Spain, Benito earned a BA in Political Science and Sociology from Universidad Complutense in Madrid, an MA in Demography and a second MA in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. He also has an MBA from IESE. He is Chair of the Board of the Rosenbach Museum and Library and serves on the boards of Library of America and the Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation.

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