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Aurelio Regina


+39 06 853737 23


Aurelio Regina has spent much of his career advising senior leaders in communications, public affairs, and investor relations. Based in Egon Zehnder’s Rome office, he also specializes in board consulting and leadership development for industrial and service sector clients.

My favorite part of this job is working with others to build trust. The best solutions come when we understand our clients and their stories.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Aurelio was Director of Corporate Affairs with Philip Morris Companies in Rome and President and Managing Director of the Italian Affiliate of Philip Morris Corporate Services Inc. Previously, Aurelio was Manager of Communications and Relations with Public Institutions and Legislative Studies for Procter & Gamble in Rome.

Aurelio earned a BA in international political science at LUISS University in Rome and a master’s in science and technology of law from the Istituto Superiore di Studi Legislativi in Rome. He served as Vice President for Economic Development of Confindustria, the Italian General Business Industry Association, and was President of the Industrialist Association of Rome and Lazio. From 2011 to 2019, Aurelio was President of Foundation Music For Rome, a nonprofit organization that manages all performances at the renowned Auditorium of Arts and Music in Rome. He is currently Delegate for Energy of the President of Confindustria. Outside of work he enjoys tennis, sailing, and spending time with family.

Aurelio Regina ha sviluppato gran parte del suo percorso professionale come Advisor dei maggiori senior leaders nel campo nella comunicazione, nei public affairs e nelle investor relations. Basato presso la sede romana di Egon Zehnder, è specializzato in board consulting e leadership development per clienti attivi nel settore industriale e dei servizi.

Prima di entrare in Egon Zehnder, Aurelio ha ricoperto la carica di Direttore Corporate Affairs di Philip Morris e di Presidente e Amministratore Delegato della filiale italiana di Philip Morris Corporate Services Inc. In precedenza, Aurelio ha lavorato in Procter & Gamble come Responsabile della Comunicazione, delle Relazioni con le Istituzioni e degli Studi Legislativi. Ha ricoperto la carica di Vice-Presidente di Confindustria con delega allo Sviluppo Economico ed è stato Presidente di Un-Industria, associazione che rappresenta gli industriali di Roma e del Lazio. Attualmente è Presidente della Fondazione Musica per Roma, organizzazione non profit che gestisce l’Auditorium per le Arti e la Musica di Roma.

Aurelio ha conseguito la Laurea in Scienze Politiche presso l’Università LUISS Guido Carli in Roma ed un Master in Scienza e Tecnica della Legislazione presso l’Istituto Superiore di Studi Legislativi in Roma.

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