Based in Zurich, Nicolas Casanovas is a core member of the firm’s industrial practice. Nicolas has considerable management and leadership experience in the industrial sector and provides leadership advisory services to top-level executives.
Throughout my career I have been energized by leading great teams. As a consultant at Egon Zehnder I feel privileged to support leaders building and developing their own organizations to achieve outstanding results.
Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Nicolas held several senior leadership positions in publicly listed and family owned companies in the building materials sector. He was Group Chief Commercial Officer and Member of the Group Executive Committee at DOVISTA, the largest European vertical windows manufacturer. Before the business was combined with DOVISTA, Nicolas was Head of the windows division and Member of the Group Executive Committee at Arbonia Group, a publicly listed Swiss building material company. Nicolas started his career at BCG advising medium and large-scale industrial companies in the industrial sector in Europe and North America.
Nicolas earned a master’s in international management at ESADE Ramon Llull University in Barcelona as well as a master’s in marketing from the University of St Gallen. In addition to his consulting work, Nicolas is passionate about running and mountaineering, especially cross country and alpine skiing. He and his wife Niki have a two-year-old son, Leon.
Nicolas Casanovas ist Kernmitglied der Praxisgruppe Industrial im Züricher Büro von Egon Zehnder. Er verfügt über umfangreiche Management- und Führungserfahrung im Industriesektor und berät Führungspersönlichkeiten der obersten Ebene.
Vor seiner Zeit bei Egon Zehnder hatte Nicolas Casanovas mehrere leitende Führungspositionen in börsennotierten und familiengeführten Unternehmen im Baustoffsektor inne. Er war Group Chief Commercial Officer und Mitglied des Group Executive Committee bei DOVISTA, dem größten europäischen Hersteller von Vertikalfenstern. Vor der Fusion des Unternehmens mit DOVISTA war er Leiter der Fensterabteilung und Mitglied des Group Executive Committee der Arbonia Group, einem börsennotierten Schweizer Baustoffunternehmen. Nicolas Casanovas begann seine Karriere bei BCG, wo er mittlere und große Industrieunternehmen in Europa und Nordamerika beriet.
Nicolas Casanovas hat einen Master in internationalem Management von der ESADE Ramon Llull University in Barcelona sowie einen Master in Marketing von der Universität St. Gallen. Er ist ein leidenschaftlicher Läufer und Bergsteiger, liebt insbesondere den Skilanglauf und den alpinen Skisport. Er und seine Frau haben einen Sohn.