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Nina Ranke


+41 44 267 69 32


Based in Zurich, Nina Ranke is active in Egon Zehnder’s Consumer Practice and focuses on the Media as well as the Luxury and Lifestyle industries. She is a highly valued advisor to clients, drawing on deep hands-on management experience and industry expertise to identify robust solutions.

Now more than ever, companies and institutions need excellent leadership to navigate the challenges ahead. I feel very privileged to have the opportunity to help find and support leaders who can make a real difference.

Before joining Egon Zehnder, Nina held a series of management positions at the Axel Springer publishing company in Berlin and Zurich, including Director of International Licensing, Head of B2B Marketing, Chief Operating Officer International, and most recently Managing Director for Business Media. She has also served on various national and international boards and been active in global industry associations, among other things as Vice President of the European Division of the International News Media Association (INMA).

Nina earned a first-tier law degree and then a doctorate in law from Humboldt University of Berlin before passing her second state examination in law at the Court of Appeal in Berlin. When not working, she loves spending time with her young daughter, reading literature, enjoying good food and wine, and playing the piano.

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